Understanding the Brow Styles
30% off Brows Until Jan 1, 2025
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Powder Brows
What are Powder Brows?
Powder brows are the studio favorite for many reasons. They are the most versatile brow, which gives a wide variety of finishes – soft and subtle to bold and crisp – and everywhere in between. Powder brows last the longest, are right for all skin types, and they are the only corrective style. They need to be maintained every 2-3 years.
Nano Brows
What are Nano Brows?
Nano Brows are hair-stroke eyebrows created using a tattoo machine and lining the ink into the skin. They look almost identical to microblading, but are less traumatic to the skin. Nano Brows also heal more consistently as there are no cuts for the ink to fall out of. They will need to be maintained every 12-18 months.
Combo Brows
What are Combo Brows?
Combo Brows combine both hair strokes and shading to create a customized look. Typically, we add hair strokes to the front of the brows or bald spots to mimic actual hair, while using shading to add density. Combo Brows require an annual touch-up.
What is Microblading?
Microblading launched permanent makeup into the mainstream in 2012 for its natural-looking effect. The process involves cutting the skin with a tiny blade and rubbing ink into the micro cuts. Microblading is a limited service and not right for many skin types.